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Oman’s NCFI signs MOU with Bangladesh BFIU


On 10th September 2023, the National Center for Financial Information (NCFI) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) in the field of information exchange related to money laundering, associated predicate offenses and terrorism financing. The MOU was signed to explore and promote aspects of mutual cooperation, coordinate efforts and activate the necessary mechanisms for the exchange of information and expertise in the field of money laundering and associated predicate crimes.

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National Counter-Terrorism Committee participated in the 33rd Meeting of Arab Counter-Terrorism Experts Group


Within the framework of Arab cooperation in the field of combating terrorism, the National Counter-Terrorism Committee participated in the 33rd Meeting of Arab Counter-Terrorism Experts Group, the 3rd meeting of the technical team for documenting experiences in the field of combating terrorism, and a workshop on "Individuals and Entities' Involvement in Terrorism", which were held during the period 15th -18th August 2023 at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Arab Interior Ministers Council in Tunisia. The National Counter-Terrorism Committee presented a paper on "The Omani Experience in Combating Terrorism", which highlighted the Sultanate of Oman’s efforts in combating terrorism and its financing at the local and international levels. The paper also shed light on the pillars on which Oman’s National Counter-Terrorism Strategy is based and the procedures it takes to protect society from extremism and terrorism.

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Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs Issues Ministerial Decision


The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs has issued decision No (389/2023) amending some Provisions of the Executive Regulation of the Endowments Law.

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MCIIP Issues Ministerial Decision


The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion has issued a Ministerial Decision No. (424/2023) regulating the procedures of Ultimate Beneficiary Identification.

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In a statement to the UN General Assembly, Oman adopts firm policy condemning terrorism in all its manifestations


The Sultanate of Oman reiterates its adoption of a firm policy condemning terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, regardless of its causes and justifications. Being committed to the objectives and Charter of the United Nations to maintain international peace and security, Oman has taken all necessary measures to address the threat of terrorism by developing a system to ensure effective dealing with this threat in all governmental and private organizations and civil society institutions.
This came in a statement delivered by Second Secretary / Mohammed bin Ali Al-Shehhi, member of the permanent delegation of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations in New York, before the General Assembly on the occasion of the adoption of the 8th Review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.
In the speech, the Sultanate of Oman highlighted its national counter-terrorism strategy, which is based on scientific and practical methodologies for combating terrorism and its financing in consistent with the UN counter-terrorism strategy, in addition to accession to the international conventions and treaties criminalizing extremism and terrorism.
The Sultanate of Oman emphasized that it pursues a pre-emptive media policy to immunize the public against the radicalization and extremism motives which lead to terrorism by inculcating the values of tolerance, harmony, unity and rapprochement among the society members and avoid provoking sectarian strife and rhetoric of hatred in all local media outlets and adopting a policy of positive neutrality in dealing with the news, including some regional civil and sectarian disputes as well as avoiding intimidation and exaggerations; given the fact that such events in those countries are perceived as internal political affairs and not sectarian issues.
The Sultanate of Oman expressed its belief that the fight against terrorism begins by lifting the sense of injustice felt by some individuals for not achieving international justice, appealing to the international community to end wars and political conflicts as their persistence might fuel extremist thoughts among the ideological hardliners, calling for the need to respect the holy sites and not be violated, under any pretext or justification.
The Sultanate of Oman has pointed out that terrorism is an international concern that can only be tackled by establishing constructive international cooperation through a comprehensive concept to eliminate the justifications used by extremist groups to recruit new elements. Oman has also highlighted that the most effective approach to end this threat is by taking actions to resolve political conflicts and international crises, and achieve international justice without selectivity. This is in addition to promoting respect for values of tolerance and coexistence, and combating hate speech and extremism, particularly in the pursuit of these organizations to develop their capabilities in the field of cyber and biological warfare and the use of UAVs.

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Oman Showcases its Experience in Tolerance, Coexistence, and Counter-Terrorism


As part of Oman's participation in the UN Third Counter-Terrorism Week, the NCTC, and in collaboration with the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs and the Permanent Mission of Oman to the UN in New York, held an event titled “Towards a Terrorism-Free Society: Oman’s Experience in Combatting Terrorism and Extremism”. The event was held under the auspices of H.E. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary General for Counter-Terrorism, and with virtual participation of H.E. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. It was also attended by several Heads of Permanent Missions in New York.
During the event, H.E. Dr. Mohammed bin Said Al-Mamari, Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs, delivered a research paper on “peaceful coexistence to promote tolerance and mutual respect to counter-terrorism”. The paper highlighted Oman’s policy, which is based on peaceful coexistence between nations and people, good neighborliness, non-interference in the internal affairs of others, respect for the sovereignty of other states, and contribution to resolving disputes by peaceful means. The paper has also outlined that such fundamentals are deeply rooted in the ancient Omani history for thousands of years, and the role assumed by the Government to maintain this legacy and strengthen the principles among the young Omani generations as these principles have been enshrined in the Basic Statute of Oman; ensuring the principles of justice, equality, cooperation, and freedom of the Omani society.
In the same context, H.E. Dr. Mohammed Awad Al-Hassan, Permanent Representative of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations presented a research paper on “Oman’s experience in tackling extremism and terrorism”. It reviewed the key fundamentals of Oman’s national counter-terrorism strategy, and the measures adopted to safeguard the society from extremism and terrorism as well as highlighting Oman’s efforts in combatting terrorism both at the local and international levels.
It is note-worthy that the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs organized Oman’s ‘Message of Islam’ exhibition at the UN Headquarters which lasts until 22nd June 2023.

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In cooperation with NCTC The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs held Oman’s ‘Message of Islam’ exhibition at the United Nations


As part of Oman's participation in the UN Third Counter-Terrorism Week, the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs, and in cooperation with NCTC, held Oman’s ‘Message of Islam’ exhibition. The event was sponsored by Gilles Michaud, Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security and attended by several Heads of Permanent Missions. During the exhibition, H.E. Dr. Mohammed bin Said Al-Mamari, Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs, highlighted Oman’s efforts in promoting the profound humanitarian ties and with a view to achieving sustainable peace. The exhibition, which lasts until 22nd June, is aimed at showcasing Oman’s experience in promoting the culture of tolerance, peaceful coexistence and mutual respect to eliminate the causes of extremism and terrorism.

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NCFI organized a training workshop via a visual communication on Anti-ML/CFT


NCFI organized a training workshop via a visual communication on Anti-ML/CFT on Tuesday, 19/6/2023, for a number of insurance companies’ staff. The workshop included some topics about the mechanism of conforming the local legislations to FATF’s recommendations, the challenges that face insurance sector, money laundering ways through insurance sector, suspicious indicators, the mechanism of reporting money laundering offences and the requirements for combating and preventing them in order to maintain the financial system integrity of the Sultanate of Oman.

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National Counter-Terrorism Committee Participates in the Third High-Level Conference on Counter-Terrorism in New York.


As part of the Sultanate of Oman’s participation in the Third Counter-Terrorism Week at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the National Counter-Terrorism Committee participated in the events of the Third United Nations High-Level Conference of Heads of Counter-Terrorism Agencies of Member States. The Omani delegation was headed by H.E. Dr. Mohammed Awad Al-Hassan, Permanent Representative of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations. The Conference, titled “Addressing Terrorism through Reinvigorated Multilateralism and Institutional Cooperation”, was held during the period (19th – 20th) June 2023, and was inaugurated by H.E. António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General. In his remarks, he reiterated that “Terrorism affects every region of the world. It preys on local and national vulnerabilities and the instability of political, economic and security systems. He added that the UN is providing practical, coordinated support to Member States, and helping countries implement the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy”.

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