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The National Center for Financial Information and Oman Credit and Financial Information Center (Mala’a) signed a cooperation program


The National Center for Financial Information and Oman Credit and Financial Information Center (Mala’a) signed a cooperation program on 8th March 2022 to activate the online communication in order to enhance the information systems in the field of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism.

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The U.S. State Department ... The Sultanate is an important regional partner ... No terrorist incidents were recorded during 2019


The US State Department described The Sultanate as an "important regional partner" in the fight against terrorism and it is making Great efforts are made to prevent terrorists from launching any attacks or to use the country as a haven Safe for them. And the ministry said in its annual report on "combating terrorism" in the world It released last night: The Sultanate has not recorded any terrorist incidents during In 2019, it also issued several statements condemning the terrorist attacks in the whole world. She noted that the Sultanate is a member of the global coalition to defeat Al-Qaeda ISIS terrorist and a member of the Islamic Military Alliance to combat terrorism And it continued to implement the penal code issued by Royal Decree No. 7 / 2018, which criminalizes joining or providing material or ideological support For terrorists or extremist organizations. It commended the efforts and the response of the various security and military agencies To combat terrorism and the main roles that work to secure the Sultanate of Terrorist threats, denoted by the Sultanate’s government putting forward preemptive plans You prevent or respond to these attacks. The Sultanate's efforts to combat terrorist financing The endeavors of the Central Bank of Oman and the National Committee for Combating Money Laundering Tolerance, Understanding and Coexistence - “Oman Islamic Message” The Ministry referred to the Sultanate's efforts in combating terrorist financing, pointing out It is a member of the Middle East and North Africa Financial Working Group A member of the Egmont Group, an informal body that promotes action International cooperation between financial information units. The Ministry touched on the endeavors of the Central Bank of Oman and the National Committee To combat money laundering and terrorist financing and the National Counter-Terrorism Committee And its role in developing the strategy to strengthen protection against money laundering In the Sultanate, a sign of the participation of Omani officials last December A workshop organized by the Ministry of Justice on ways to disable terrorist financing mechanisms And crime through effective secret investigations. And the US State Department stated that during the past year 2019 The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs continued to encourage tolerance and dialogue between Religions through the program "Tolerance, Understanding and Coexistence - Oman's Message." Islamic ”and that it promoted the program through a group of events held by Europe 2018, as promoted last year through exhibitions in The United States, Indonesia, and Nepal.

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The State Department: The alliance with the Sultanate serves security and stability in the Middle East


The US State Department confirmed in a statement on the occasion of the US Secretary of State’s visit to the Sultanate the depth of the strategic relations between the Sultanate and the United States of America. The statement pointed out that the relationship represents a depth that enhances the political, economic and friendship partnership between the two countries. The State Department stressed that the Sultanate's alliance with the United States is strategic and serves security and stability in the Middle East region, praising at the same time the Sultanate's great role in supporting peace and stability in the region and the world.

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Terrorism Report 2016: The Sultanate is an important partner and these are the most prominent developments


The government promoted the “Islam in Oman” campaign which aims to encourage Islamic tolerance practices in 2016 AD, in addition to the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs (Tolerance, Understanding and Coexistence - The Message of Islam in Oman) campaign, and the Sultanate celebrated the International Day for Tolerance. Also, the Grand Mufti of the Sultanate wrote an article in October 2014 AD calling on all Muslims to reject extremism and promote tolerance, and other topics in the same scope that were presented repeatedly in the weekly TV program during which it appears.

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